These geo- games have gone downhill fast. The first defense game was about the best Id ever payed on my itouch. Challenging fun and well designed. Geoswarm was close to that but too hard and frustrating. Still a good game. This spark game is just stupid. Its not addictive at all, theres no strategy involved, its just mindless dragging and pointing. It gets hard only because the screen gets so cluttered not because of any design cleverness, just due to more crap showing up. Really disappointing. And dont believe the reviews that say its a great time waster for 99 cents. Not true. Its a great money waster. Instead try something like sneezies or bejeweled. Bleah. This game sucked.
Ps: I wouldnt trust any reviews that praise "the partnership of 2 development companies" (obviously they had the 2 companies write a ton of fake reviews) or reviews that praise the help file. Like wow it has help files! Give it 4 stars! Lol. What a joke. And addictive? anyone who plays this for more than a few minutes has issues. (one guy said he played for an hour and didnt stop except to write the review. Another locked himself in his room for 6 or 8 hours to play? Please. What total B S.)
MarknDC about geoSpark - WARNING: Highly Addictive!