This games premise is good and is very fun in a limited way. However, it is inexcusable and totally unacceptable for a game like this to have NO INSTRUCTIONS. Yes, there is a brief, minimal visual tutorial, but it is incomplete. Please note:
There is actually a bit of strategy involved, but you cant tell and dont know how because there are no instructions. A few concrete examples:
1. Chaining causes the units to move faster and gravitate towards yur finger. When u stop chaining and start tapping it slows back down. However, you have to waste a lot of time being frustrated before u realize this and account for it. This should be included in instructions.
2. I still cant tell if different units have different point values or not. The number flashes are too fast and unclear.
3. There is a rotating multicolor circle that appears to haveno numerical value at all for either tapping or dragging and that appears to negate chain points. I just dont know what it does. Instructions telling us what it is would be appreciated.
4. The explosion circles: if u drag a chain onto it, it leaves all of the other units of the same type unexploded. I dont know of theres point bonus for this or not. Also, when u explode The circle units, i dont know if u get chain points or bonus points or penalty. A description of their full function would be appreciated.
5. Different types of units appear to have different behaviors, but u r moving so fast that u dont have time to catalogue and examine them to plan an approach to dealing with specific units. Once again, an instruction page cataloguing the units and theirfeatures is necssary.
At higher levels the game becomes unfair because the units coming in off the side of the screen come so fast and are so cluttered close to other units that they spark and end the game literally as they become visible; you have literally no visible lead time.
Rambamatic about geoSpark - WARNING: Highly Addictive!